Natural Weight Management


Weight management is something many people can struggle with for years. Inactive lifestyles and unhealthy eating habits are usually to blame. When our bodies are out of balance weight gain can occur, along with a large list of other problems. In order order to maintain a healthy weight you must first adopt a healthy lifestyle!

  • Healthy Eating Habits- A healthy diet is a must for any weight loss or weight management plan.  Since we truly are what we eat, and our weight loss patients are encouraged to eat nutritious foods. We will advise foods that promote healing and a healthy body weight.  Please see our nutrition page for more information on how we can help you with this.

  • Exercise- Exercise is extremely important in aiding weight loss and overall weight management. Exercise helps the body by burning calories and also aids in digestion and detoxification.  Weight loss programs contain individualized exercise routines. We believe that no two bodies are the same! Each program is carefully individualized for you.  We  encourage everyone to practice TCM exercises like Tai Chi and Qigong.  These are wonderful exercises for any fitness level. They help the body in weight management by reducing the amount of cortisol produced as well as building external strength and balance.  Check out our exercise page for more information.
  • We offer services that assist the body in maintaining a healthy weight.  In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) many treatments and lifestyle changes are combined in order to restore a healthy body weight.

    • Acupuncture – Acupuncture helps to correct the imbalances that occur by promoting the flow of qi (Chee). This aids in the body’s detoxification and healing process.

    • Chinese Herbal Medicine – Chinese herbal medicine helps the body’s organs function the way they should. This lessens the severity of disease and removes internal blockages.

    •  Ear Acupuncture – Also called stapling, ear acupuncture aids in the treatment of many addictions including food addiction or overeating.  In ear acupuncture, a surgical skin staple is placed in one or both ears at specific auricular points.

    Often times unexplained weight gain is a symptom of more serious disease.  If the disease is treated then the body can start to burn fat again, the way it’s supposed to.  Having a thorough Patient Health Evaluation is an excellent way to know if there is a medical issue causing your weight gain.  Please check out our physician’s bio for more information.

    Stress can cause the body to produce too much cortisol which is a hormone that causes weight gain. Coming in for relaxing spa services can help to reduce the amount of cortisol in the body. This can aid in weight management. We also have several Detox Services under our Spa Service Menu that work in encouraging the body to release toxins, aiding in many weight loss and detox protocols.  Our detox body wrap helps to tone and tighten the skin while you lose weight.  When you attain your weight loss goal, you do not want to be left with unsightly, loose, sagging, skin which can occur with a sudden, drastic weight loss.  Check out our spa service menu for more information.


* These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.